Care Packages!
There’s no Amazon in these jungles! So when we get care packages, it really does feel like Christmas and is such an encouragement to us and our team. Not only in terms of the physical items but also in the emotional support! If you are thinking about sending a care package, there is a list of items below that we love; if you would like more specifics, feel free to text or email!
USPS flat rate international boxes are the best option for shipping. They typically cost about $115 for a large flat rate box with shipping times of 4-20 weeks (welcome to the “land of the unexpected”). While not being deceptive, you can be vague and general when completing customs forms. For example, instead of writing "shampoo, conditioner, lotion, shavers" you can just write "personal hygiene items." While there is no guarantee what will be inspected and charged customs, this has shown to be helpful in the past.
Shipping Address
Michael & Morgan LeBlanc
C/O New Tribes Mission
PO Box 1079
Goroka, EHP 441
Papua New Guinea
Items we love receiving!
LEGOs for Nash
Glow sticks
Water balloons
Clothes (text for specifics)
Sour Patch Kids watermelon candies
8oz bottles of Chick-fil-A sauce
Baking mixes (lemon bars, muffins, cakes, etc)
Trader Joe’s Chai Tea mix
Beef Jerky
Granola bars
20g+ protein bars
*Stocked for now* Thai Soup Paste
*Stocked for now* Japanese Fried Chicken Mix
Favorite stores: Target, Old Navy, Trader Joes
Candles and nice smelling things
Essential oils
Seasonal/holiday snacks and decor
Hygiene items (text for specifics)
American Crew Fiber hair paste
See “Food” above!